AMDG On 05/03/2015 10:42 PM, Edward Diener wrote:
In my jam file I have:
import ../../predef/check/predef : check require : predef-check predef-require ;
and in the requirments section of various Boost Build built-in rules I have:
[ predef-check "BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= 4.3" : <cxxflags>-std=c++0x ]
When I try to process my jamfile I get numerous warnings along the line of:
def.jam:61: in predef-check warning: object is empty <snip>
Any ideas of what is wrong ?
The signature of predef.check is rule check ( expressions + : language ? : true-properties * : false-properties * ) You're skipping the 'language' argument. If you leave it blank it defaults to cpp. The error is on the line: local exe_target = [ $(_check_exe_($(language))).name ] ; In Christ, Steven Watanabe