On 4/12/13 11:21 AM, TONGARI wrote:
2013/4/12 Michael Marcin
For example:
string raw_json = R"({ data:{ a:"hello", b:"world", c:3, widget:3.5
} })";
This doesn't seem like a valid json, the key must be a quoted string.
In practice you often find json that does not quote keys and I would prefer a useful library to a pedantic one for this task. You could have a strict mode I suppose. I pretty much just go by what http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/ accepts.
It's impossible for my_type5 without more advanced Fusion adaption.
I would hope that if you adapt my_type5 and my_type5::my_data it could work. I guess you would need a little more than basic fusion adaption to get strings for the member variable names in order to parse json pairs associatively.