I'd like to propose adding the class-template `polymorphic_value` to boost. `polymorphic_value` is designed to allow the compiler to correctly generate special member functions for classes with polymorphic components (It's `any` with an interface). `polymorphic_value` has been proposed for standardisation in P0201 and has advanced through the Library Evolution group in Albuquerque (Nov 5-10). https://wg21.link/p0201 A working draft of the proposal and implementation can be found at https://github.com/jbcoe/polymorphic_value I gave a presentation about polymorphic_value at C++::London here: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/9539-a-polymorphic-value-type-for-c-plu... Matt Calabrese has kindly offered to be review manager. Kind regards, Jon