On 9/7/2017 3:07 PM, James E. King, III via Boost wrote:
Could someone point me to documentation on management of the master and develop branches for committers? boostorg/uuid master ends at Jan 11. boostorg/develop has a bunch of stuff in it starting on August 3, 2017. Who is responsible for merging develop into master and when should that happen? Some of the issues are already marked resolved with a milestone of 1.66.0 but they are not in master, only develop.
Should pull requests on github go directly into master? I find it confusing to have both and would prefer if there was only one possible destination for pull requests on github. If there are two, someone has to keep one of them updated and that isn't very efficient.
I want to add to the other replies that Boost regression testing matrixes are available for both 'develop' and 'master' at http://www.boost.org/development/tests/develop/developer/summary.html and http://www.boost.org/development/tests/master/developer/summary.html respectively. Of course if you are using Travis and/or Appveyor you can pay attention to that also.