30 Apr
30 Apr
9:05 a.m.
Thank you for help Andrey but it's still not working. Right now I sipmlify it to minimum, in SolutionC (dll) in Include (tls.h) I have: extern __declspec(dllexport) boost::thread_specific_ptr<int> ThreadLocalStorage; in the same soltuion but in Src i have tls.cpp with: __declspec(dllexport) boost::thread_specific_ptr<int> ThreadLocalStorage; and this is ok, compile with any problems. SolutionB(dll) in file.pp I have: __declspec(dllimport) boost::thread_specific_ptr<int> ThreadLocalStorage; and right now I have a different issue, after compile, run I try to change value of tls in SolutionB in reset funtion I have assertion. Maybe you have some idea why ? Best regards and once again thank you for help.