On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Niall Douglas
Dear Boost,
We've been collecting a list of veteran Summer of Code students where "veteran" means students whom have previously done a Google Summer of Code for Boost. It /may/ be possible for us to acquire enough funding from a number of contributors to tide over ongoing GSoC projects this summer during our year off from Google funding for veteran students only. The stipend to the student would be the same as with Google, $5,500. The mentor stipend would likely need to be waived under any substitute programme.
Extant ongoing summer of code projects known to us are (please send corrections of any mistakes):
* Boost.DoubleEnded, mentored by Thorsten Ottosen https://github.com/erenon/double_ended Student: Benedek Thaler Status: Introduced to the community [0], with positive reception. I'm currently blocked on other duties, however, I'd like to continue working on DoubleEnded in the coming months. Todo list includes: fix benchmark [1], improve documentation (autoindex), 32 build in CI, and foremost: go through the Boost review process. Benedek [0]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/boost-developers-archive/IKlpXMmcDBw [1]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/boost-developers-archive/gdheNeBJ8Wk/P...