On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 11:10 AM Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost
2. The documentation for array object and index mention "Satisfies the requirements of ContiguousContainer, ReversibleContainer, and SequenceContainer" These requirements are never defined or referenced. The user will not even know if you defined them or if they are "commonly known". Maybe add link to cppreference.com:
Fixed in develop, thanks.
4. Documentation for value::operator= seems corrupt: https://master.json.cpp.al/json/ref/boost__json__value/operator_eq_/overload... * it has sections with no content * It is an unconstrained template, it look like it can accept any type
Fixed in develop.
6. Some functions (like operator== or swap(x, y)) are naturally part of class interface, even though they are not member functions. It is annoying and confusing that rather than being listed along with the class they belong to they are instead listed separately as "free functions"
Fixed in develop.
The docs are not uniform about this issue. For `json::value` operator== is listed as friends along with other member functions, but not 2-argument swap().
Fixed in develop. Thanks