[Niall Douglas]
I will over the coming week: I have quite a bit of Nov12 CTP only #ifdef code, mainly due to that fun bug where a 'catch(...)' in a template made MSVC try to expand variadic args. I assume they'll have fixed that.
Yes, that was fixed on Nov 28, 2012 (DevDiv#510827 internally).
If Microsoft is anything like BlackBerry, those features were committed to the release branch weeks ago and it's now all in the testing group.
Alias templates and defaulted/deleted functions have been checked into the compiler. I believe the listed C99 features have all been checked in, but I'm not absolutely sure (and presumably they don't matter to Boost). I don't know the current state of NSDMIs as I don't have to take a dependency on them. I just checked in the STL changes for alias templates; deleted functions are up next. STL