============================================== Review Wizard Status Report for May 2020 ============================================== News ==== List of events that happened since the last report in 2016 is long and includes 13 releases of Boost, 21 libraries accepted and 4 libraries rejected. Details at https://www.boost.org/community/review_schedule.html What happened in 2020: 1. 2020-01: Ronald Garcia retired as a Review Wizard. Thank you Ronald! 2. 2020-02: StaticString accepted 3. 2020-04: Boost 1.73 Released New Libraries: - Nowide from Artyom Beilis, maintained by Alexander Grund - StaticString from Vinnie Falco and Krystian Stasiowski 4. 2020-05: Bimap library needs a maintainer https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2020/05/248940.php Review Schedule Status ====================== The following libraries need a review manager: * JSON - author: Vinnie Falco, Krystian Stasiowski, Peter Dimov The following libraries have review managers, but have not yet been scheduled for review: * none The following libraries have review managers and have been scheduled for review: * LEAF - May 22, 2020 - May 31, 2020; author: Emil Dotchevski; review manager: Michael Caisse * Text - June 11, 2020 - June 20, 2020; author: Zach Laine; review manager: Glen Fernandes The following libraries have been reviewed and await reports from their review managers: * none The following libraries have been accepted to Boost, but have not yet been integrated into Boost Git: * Double-Ended - conditionally accepted in October 2017; author: Benedek Thaler * Parallel Sorting Sub-library - accepted November 2016; author: Francisco José Tapia The following libraries have been accepted and submitted to Boost Git, but have not yet appeared in a release: * STLInterfaces - conditionally accepted December 2019; author: Zach Laine The following libraries have been accepted provisionally to Boost, but have not been submitted for mini-review and full acceptance: * STLInterfaces - conditionally accepted December 2019; author: Zach Laine General Announcements ===================== As always, we need experienced review managers. Please take a look at the list of libraries in need of managers and check out their descriptions. In general review managers are active boost participants, including library contributors, infrastructure contributors, and other mailing list participants with a substantial track record of constructive participation. If you can serve as review manager for any of them, email us at Mateusz Loskot (mateusz at loskot dot net) or John Phillips (johnphillipsithaca at gmail dot com). We are also suffering from a lack of reviewers. While we all understand time pressures and the need to complete paying work, the strength of Boost is based on the detailed and informed reviews submitted by you. If you are interested in reviewing a library but won't have time during the review period, you can always prepare your review ahead of time. No rule says you can only work on a review during the review period. A link to this report will be posted to www.boost.org. If you would like us to make any modifications or additions to this report, please email Mateusz. The review schedule is an unordered list of the libraries awaiting review. As such, any library on the schedule can be reviewed once the developer is ready, a review manager has been secured, and the manager, developer, and wizards agree on a date to schedule the review. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net