I was hoping why don't we also apply for GNOME outreachy also it is also similar to GSoC and can also help our community to grow. and by appearing in end of year internship in GNOME outreachy we can keep a flow of new contributors and motivate people to contribute to opensource throughout the year.
Boost has always functioned as a strictly equal meritocracy. You get judged here completely independent of who or what you are. We, quite frankly, don't care so long as you can write excellent C++ and defend that C++ in front of everyone else here. Some long standing members here have pseudonyms for various personal reasons, and nobody cares. Outreachy requires orgs to practice discrimination of a form which is illegal in some parts of the world. I certainly could not abide by it, it contravenes EU human rights legislation, and I also find it morally wrong. Nevertheless, I am not the Boost community, and it is probably good to rediscuss this from time to time. If the Boost community saw a consensus favour in it, and an org admin could be found, it could happen. Be aware that I would fight such a decision with everything that I have, and last time this came up for discussion on boost-steering I was not alone in this view of Outreachy's funding conditions. I would assume that hasn't changed, but it was a few years ago now it was last discussed. Niall