On 9/17/19 1:06 AM, John Maddock via Boost wrote:
Microsoft's standard library is now in the process of going open source (the code is there, but not the tests yet), see : https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/open-sourcing-msvcs-stl/
Interestingly they're using the Math library's special functions en-mass for enhanced <cmath> support, and a quick grep of the code turns up other references to Boost, though I haven't identified the libraries they've borrowed from yet.
Hopefully this means that in the long turn we'll see patches and enhancements flowing in both directions for the benefit of all.
Hmmmm - so boost writes something, it gets added to the standard, then the vendor, copies in the boost version and releases it as part of their product. I've got a couple of questions about this. a) Aside from "certifying" or "legitimizing" a boost library, exactly how is the C++ committee process actually contributing to all this. Looks like just a time consuming way station on a round trip. b) I think its time to seriously start to consider ideas about who open source authors can get compensated for their efforts are widely used. The music business was ignited when improved copyrights enforcement complemented technology (phonograph/radio) in the early 20th century. The result was an explosion of creativity in musical arts: jazz, musical theater, popularization of folk music, film music, etc. c) It's just crazy that the author of a pivotal piece of software which the whole world runs on (or should run on), gets no monetary recognition for these indispensable efforts. CppCon - discuss. Robert Ramey