Den 13-07-2017 kl. 13:09 skrev Paul A. Bristow via Boost:
I think Vinnie deserves some sort of medal ;-)
It is certainly unusual to make so much work during a review! :-) I have not time for making a review, but I will just note that we moved away from a custom Boost.Asio-based server. We now use POCO's http server. The amount of code I had to write was very low. Basically I only had to implement a request handler: class XmlRequestHandler : public Poco::Net::HTTPRequestHandler { void handleRequest( Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest& request, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse& response ) { std::istream& is = request.stream(); response.setChunkedTransferEncoding( true ); response.setContentType( "text/html" ); String responseData; generateResponse( is, responseData ); std::ostream& ostr = response.send(); ostr << responseData; } ); Now I don't like the OO'pattern that fores me to new handlers, but otherwise the shortness of it is pretty sweet. Perhaps beast could consider to have such high-level functionality. kind regards Thorsten