We are having trouble building boost_fusion version 1.61 with Intel compiler (version 17.0) on Linux, and on Windows with vs2015 (and other versions of visual studio).
The problem can be fixed if I made this change to boost/fusion/container/vector/detail/config.hpp :
// Sometimes, MSVC 12 shows compile error with std::size_t of template parameter . #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, BOOST_TESTED_AT(1800)) \ || BOOST_INTEL /* add this line */ # if defined(BOOST_FUSION_HAS_VARIADIC_VECTOR) # undef BOOST_FUSION_HAS_VARIADIC_VECTOR # endif #endif `BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_INTEL, BOOST_TESTED_AT(xxxx))` is preferred in
Hi Blower, Thank you for reporting. On 11/04/2016 11:27 PM, Blower, Melanie wrote: this case (replace xxxx to known to fail version number, like 1700). However, I can't test because I have no intel compiler on any platform. So, it is great if you open a pull-request, https://github.com/boostorg/fusion/pulls . Thanks, Kohei Takahashi