On 11 September 2015 at 13:57, Edward Diener
It uses a Jamfile.v2 in the test sub-directory and tests in *.cxx files in the test sub-directory. For arrays look at array.cxx and for tuples look at tuple.cxx. Ideally every Boost PP macro should have its won .cxx file but I never got around to implementing that.
A question about that. With the way those tests are made, one can only compare numerical values at compile time, which means all array tests are either a call to ARRAY_ELEM, ARRAY_SIZE or ARRAY_IS_EMPTY. I'd like to find a way to write tests that compare entire arrays / tuples. A naive way to do that would be to STRINGIZE the arrays and compare the resulting strings at runtime. However, it seems to me that doing runtime checks would be a big change to the way BOOST_PP is currently tested, and I'd like your opinion on that subject before doing anything. -- Antoine