Hello, My name is Alexandru Hulea and I am an undergraduate student at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. I am in the third year at The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers. My email can be found at [1]. About availability, I think 40 hours / week will be enough, but I will work more if the complexity of the project will require that. The only factors which will affect my availability will be the exams which are scheduled in the first 2 weeks of June. About my educational background, I took some courses related to the projects I apply including C Programming, Data Structures, OOP, Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms. I participated in 2 summer schools working on a project in Android and on another project in OpenGL with C++. My favourite programming language is C++. I have 3 years experience in C/C++ and I am interested in scientific work like developing libraries of C++. I like to solve algorithms exercises, to find tricky optimisations for ACM exercises or other programming contests and recently I discover the wonderful world of parallel computing. I am interested in contributing to the Boost C++ Libraries because the project contains the parts of programming I like the most: optimisation and parallel programming. I have experience in C++ 98/03, 11/14, Standard Library and I worked with Git. Unfortunately I have no experience with Boost C++ Libraries. I like to work in Visual Studio on Windows and with Sublime Text and gcc, valgrind in Ubuntu. I am familiar only with JavaDoc speaking of software documentation. About the projects, I find interesting: "Concurrent Hash Tables", "Enhanced vector and deque containers" and "Boost uBLAS a library for matrix computations". I see these projects as optimisation and syncronization problems. My biggest projects are an OpenGL game written in C++ and a client-server application written in C++ too as a homework for the Protocols course. You can find them at [2]. About the application on the projects, could you tell me how I can show my skills in this field ? I searched for a section with a projects or some tests with bugs but I didn't find it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you, Alexandru Hulea [1]: alexandru.hulea@gmail.com [2]: https://github.com/HuleaAlexandru/c-Projects