On March 11, 2014 6:29:15 AM EDT, Borislav Stanimirov
This is a (half-)joke suggestion.
There are currently 19 libraries in the review schedule ( http://www.boost.org/community/review_schedule.html ) which need a review manager (yes, including mine). Some of them have been there for years.
Sad, but true.
Instead of focusing on getting people to write new libraries, which could potentially end up stuck in the review schedule (like AFIO), why don't we focus on getting the reviews for the ones that are already there. Or at least revising the review process.
Robert Ramey has ideas on improving the process. Others have made suggestions over the years, but we've made little change to it this far. Still, if you've got concrete ideas for improving the backlog, speak up.
For example, I would be willing to review some of these libraries, but I am not qualified to be a review manager (since I am not very active in the community).
Being a review manager is a big job. You need to ensure that the library is ready, you need domain expertise in order to well and fairly judge the review comments, and you need to commit time to the review period and writing the report. That's a significant burden and it's little wonder few are stepping up to do it. ___ Rob (Sent from my portable computation engine)