27 Jan
27 Jan
9:52 p.m.
On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 1:11 PM Alan de Freitas via Boost
Even other Asio concepts could benefit from concrete implementations in other libraries: executors, streams, tokens, etc...
Thanks... but, slow down there cowboy :) I'm only proposing buffers, and this library would not require any changes to Asio. The executor, stream, and token concepts from Asio are specific to asynchrony so I am skeptical that there is a lot of value in expressing them in their own library (and in fact I think they all need each other to be useful, i.e. an executor without an io_context is useless, as is a stream or completion token). The main purpose of Boost.Buffers is to have buffer abstractions that are independent of Asio. Thanks