4 Oct
4 Oct
12:09 a.m.
paul wrote:
As I already mentioned a number of times, this in my opinion must be
find_package(boost_assert VERSION 1.64.0 EXACT)
because there is never, ever, a scenario in which I want boost_core 1.64.0 to link to boost_assert 1.58.0.
The user may want to use boost_core 1.64.0 with boost_assert 1.64.1 or 1.65 because perhaps the newer version is from develop that fixes a problem they are having.
Yeah. How would this scenario come into being though? Suppose you have 1.64.0 already installed; you replace boost_assert from develop and now, as also mentioned a number of times, you have all manners of ODR violations because your libraries are built against boost_assert 1.64.0 and you're including the develop one.