15 Jul
15 Jul
9:50 a.m.
Am 15.07.2021 um 11:25 schrieb Alexander Grund via Boost:
also works with 3.18.6 - but NOT using set( BOOST_ROOT ${MY_THIRD_PARTY_LIBS}/boost_1_76_0 ) - that works only with 3.19.4
FWIW: BOOST_ROOT is honored since 3.19.0: https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/commit/4b2a61946fdb77ab37b66b1d2b81d2d77453...
good to know
Anyway I suggest to always use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for any dependency
same suggestion comes for the Qt guys when upgrading to Qt6 btw: i've copied the boost integration stuff from the internet and many samples using the Boost_INCLUDE_DIR etc. are complete uppercase - i've copied that two but now i cleaned all my CMakeLists.txt + using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and everything works as expected another big thank you!