On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Andrew Hundt
I agree with many of the previous comments on QVM, particularly the simple tutorial and starter definitions, as well as comparison to other tools. I could also *very much* use a way to implement generic algorithms that work for multiple linear algebra packages.
You're right on the money, the emphasis in QVM is not so much on the types that it provides, but on the ability to use QVM with types from other libraries, of which there are many. For example with QVM you can multiply a Maya MMatrix by an Unreal FMatrix and get a correct, type-safe result. In addition, it lets you easily define multiple types, e.g. a highly-optimized low level system may define its own, perhaps platform-specific matrix type, then use QVM to enable the full set of matrix operations for it.
Additionally, considering the described focus on realtime graphics and simulation I would be interested in functions for rigid body, affine, and dual quaternion transforms. To this end, eigen provides many of the essentials in their geometry module which could be used as a reference.
Yes, this does seem like a useful further development for QVM. Thanks! -- Emil Dotchevski Reverge Studios, Inc. http://www.revergestudios.com/reblog/index.php?n=ReCode