"Jens Weller"
Full information + download you'll find at my blogpost: http://www.meetingcpp.com/index.php/br/items/boost-dependency-analyzer.html
This is interesting to me--I wanted to look into shipping certain boost libraries separately in Fedora. Currently we have a huge boost-devel that ships the whole boost/ subtree. That made sense back in 1.33 timeframe, but it makes less and less sense with every new release. Unfortunately the Boost dependency graph is as huge a hairball as I was afraid :-/ [Actually, more useful to me would be something scriptable. All that GUI stuff, frankly, is juts a distraction to me--though it does produce nice graphs :) (BTW, did you use graphviz, or is that custom-coded?).] Do you plan to make this tool open source? Thanks, PM