AMDG On 02/17/2016 01:17 PM, Bjørn Roald wrote:
On 17 Feb 2016, at 17:02, Rene Rivera
wrote: How can I find out what changes are not merged from develop to master, for all subrepos, but only changes I've made?
I would think it is basically the commits reachable in history from develop branch head but not reachable from master branch head. If you need this only once it is probably not worth making a script, rather you could do something like:
git submodule foreach git log —full-history —author=<pattern> —committer=<pattern> —grep=<pattern> develop — > develop.log git submodule foreach git log —full-history —author=<pattern> —committer=<pattern> —grep=<pattern> master — > master.log
<favorite diff tool> develop.log master.log
Git know how to do this already: git log --author="<pattern>" master..develop In Christ, Steven Watanabe