Hi Michael,
Thank you for submitting this library to the the incubator in
preparation for a review. I saw your presentation in 2014
and I believe that this library solves a common problem.
My first question: I see that the library is listed as C++11 and also
has dependencies on Boost.System, Boost.Thread, Boost.Chrono,
and Boost.DateTime. Much of the functionality provided by those
Boost libraries is now part of the C++11 or C++14 standard.
Can you comment on the specific Boost dependencies
and if the standard versions would suffice?
A good question which deserves a rationale, which I will add. In theory, the standard version would suffice, except for Thread. Boost.Thread provides interruption points, which the standard does not. With the standard version, I would not be able to offer task interruption. I rely for the other parts also on Boost because the standard version had bugs on earlier versions of compilers, and quite some projects are still stuck with gcc-4.9 or mingw. At some points, it seemed easier to maintain using Boost (which also happens to be faster than the standard, at least on my tests). HTH, Christophe