On 10/04/2018 20:28, Daniel James wrote:
Back in "Getting Started", in "5.2.2 Identify Your Toolset" it first links directly to https://www.boost.org/build/doc/html/bbv2/reference/tools.html (which is now an unversioned link, but does work), and then to https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_66_0/doc/html/bbv2/installation.html (which is a versioned link that also works).
I think the 'unversioned link' is meant to be a link to the most up to date info from the website. The 'versioned link' is a link to the local copy of the documentation.
Ok, it almost makes sense at that spot (although as noted in the other thread, the "up-to-date list" isn't) -- having said that, I question the relevance of knowing that a version of b2 that you don't have yet (if you're using an older Boost build) supports a compiler that you want to use; so I would argue that a versioned link makes more sense there. Further down, under "5.2.4 Invoke b2" it has the same unversioned link, and it definitely doesn't make sense for that to be unversioned. It's telling you where to go to look at the command line options for b2, which ought to be the version of Boost and b2 that you actually have -- especially if you're reading it offline.