On 17/09/2015 5:17, Konstantin Ivlev wrote:
that depends on which way is most comfortable for you? for example I can suggest the following: - I can make Virtual Box image with NaCl environment build set up and share - I also can prepare docker container - I can write puppet module which will install all necessary stuff - I can share my own build environment with you and boost community and provide SSH access to it - if you prefer to installing environment on your own, you can just follow instructions on https://developer.chrome.com/native-client/sdk/download
let me know which way is the most comfortable for you and I will take necessary actions to prepare build environment.
Thanks for the information. The first step would be to analyze how NaCl should be defined inside the Boost Build system. As a new toolset, as a gcc toolset plus a different OS, etc. and make Boost.Build work just pointing to the local NCL SDK installation. It's not trivial to answer. That way we could run tests locally and also run automated regression/reporting tests. Best, Ion