2013/5/27 Boris Schaeling
Google just announced the seven proposals which were accepted for Boost. The (entire) list can be found here: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/projects/list/google/gsoc2013
Congratulations to the successful students! Good luck and much fun in this summer's Boost C++ projects! :) <...> I also thank everyone who had volunteered to mentor a project! I know that not everyone could get the project they wanted. But maybe there is still enough motivation to move forward with some projects outside of the Google Summer of Code program. :)
I hope in next year there will be more than 7 slots available for Boost. Congratulations to all who made it! A bunch of questions that will soon arise: * What is the preferred method for communications between student and mentors? Shall it be private mails, or writing to Boost mailing list with "[boost] [gsoc] [`project name`] " header is better? * Is there a "Recommendations" wiki page for students? Something like: recommended structure of the project is /boost/`project name` for header files and boost/libs/`project name` for other files. Write documentation using Quickbook. -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin