On 23 Aug 2015 at 10:36, Glen Fernandes wrote:
The *internal* *implementation* of the v1.4 AFIO you are being presented with is currently implemented internally using the v1.3 engine. That makes it just as reliable, just as well tested, just as solid a base for a database application as v1.3 AFIO is, except it is now easier to program against. A later *internal* implementation will be completely new, but that isn't important to this review because little external changes. Code written now still works later, just faster.
I see where I was not on the same page. You meant AFIO's implementation is going to change (get faster) later, but AFIO's interface is complete now.
Exactly right.
I think you're better off not mentioning the different versions, and possibly even future implementation details; it is only going to confuse us. Unless you intend for the latter to impact the review (i.e. for anyone who finds AFIO not fast enough now, vote differently based on the promise of a faster engine later) which you've already stated in your e-mail above that you do not wish to do.
I would have just loved to do as you say, but I was trapped. I knew that those people who have openly declared war on everything I do would do their absolute best to FUD this review as a way of point scoring and settling grudges. They have been quite literally waiting for this moment with anticipation of "taking me down a peg", and you can see that happening right now. So I decided that absolute transparency, even if that hurt my chances, was the best policy. I think I have better chances this route than the alternative which would allow the FUD to succeed more easily because it could then be implied that I was hiding something or lying to people.
Again, instead of jumping to conclusions based on ranting by a person with a well known personal vendetta against me, I'd suggest go read the documentation.
Will do. I was at Table 1.4 which prompted my recent questions about performance.
I couldn't find a Table 1.4. Did you mean Table 1.5, the one comparing NoSQL databases with the naïve iostreams and AFIO key-value store and where AFIO comes off looking particularly badly? Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/