On 24 March 2013 17:29, Владислав Щапов
Hello! There are news about adding GIL.IO in release branch?
Oh sorry, I missed this thread. Looking the gil.io, it still a forwarding html file from 'libs/gil/io/index.html'. Also, from the inspection report: libs/gil/io/doc/html/gil/io/running_gil__io_tests.html: (line 31) Broken link: ../../chhenning libs/gil/io/test/tiff_file_format_test.cpp: *Tab* libs/gil/io/test_images/bmp/readme.txt: *C*, *Lic* libs/gil/io/test_images/png/PngSuite/readme.txt: *C*, *Lic* libs/gil/io/test_images/pnm/readme.txt: *C*, *Lic* libs/gil/io/test_images/raw/readme.txt: *C*, *Lic* libs/gil/io/test_images/targa/fileformat.info: *N* directory name contains a dot character ('.') libs/gil/io/test_images/targa/fileformat.info/readme.txt: *C*, *Lic* libs/gil/io/test_images/tiff/graphicmagick/readme.txt: *C*, *Lic* libs/gil/io/test_images/tiff/libtiffpic/readme.txt: *C*, *Lic* If changing the files in libs/gil/io/test_images is problematic, you can tell inspect to ignore the directory by adding a 'boost-no-inspect' file, preferably containing an explanation. Other than that, the test results aren't running so I haven't been able to look at them. Has this been added to the teste results.