Dear James,
On 13. Jul 2018, at 16:45, James E. King III via Boost
wrote: In short, don't rely on line coverage for your quality measurements. Always rely on branch coverage.
I generally see the wisdom in your argument. I use coveralls.io to display and track coverage. On Travis, I execute: pip install --user cpp-coveralls coveralls -r .. -b . --verbose --exclude ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/deps --gcov=`which ${GCOV}` --gcov-options '\-lp'; Seems like coveralls may have added tracking of branch coverage in 2017 for some languages, https://github.com/lemurheavy/coveralls-public/issues/31 https://github.com/lemurheavy/coveralls-public/issues/31 but I can't see it for my project. The situation is not clear. Do I have to migrate to codecov.io http://codecov.io/ to follow your advice? Has anyone been able to get branch coverage working with coveralls? Best regards, Hans