First I want to thank Peter for the submission and all reviewers for their participation in the review process. Please note that votes don't just get added up, but that details of every review, especially the time & effort spent on it, will influence how reviews get weighed. This review was close, with 3 REJECT, 4 Conditional ACCEPT and 0 ACCEPT votes. Rene, Jens and Darryl voted to accept on the condition that the documentation shall be improved/completed. Ruben's review had more complex conditions, among them this one:
1. The partials argument must be typed according to the data structure it requires. Peter's response to this was "I don't see how this is supposed to be accomplished." I don't know what to make of the technical details here, but I don't think I can make something that might be impossible to accomplish a condition for acceptance.
Julien & Vinnie voted to REJECT based on the state of the library, which makes me believe they might change their vote in a future review. Dmitry voted to REJECT based on the mustache language itself, and thus was the only one to reject boost.mustache in general. Based on the almost even split between conditional accept & reject and the lack of unconditional accepts, I decided to REJECT the library at this time. I hope Peter will submit an improved & extended version of this library for review in the future.