Kevin Zuniga Garate wrote:
A segment tree is a data structure for storing data and querying and updating it in intervals, I haven't found a segment tree library in C++, so I thought it may be a good data structure for Boost.
the segment tree I'm talking about is described here: http://wcipeg.com/wiki/Segment_tree
This is an augmented tree where the nodes store the min of the sub-nodes, right? There have been various discussions of augmented trees on this list in the past, e.g. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/236328 http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/237984 If we had a generic augmented tree facility, e.g. as a Boost.Intrusive extension as Jeff Snyder has proposed, then I think that these segment tress could be implemented using it. Regards, Phil.