Nicholas Neumann wrote:
Nice catch Peter. Simply turning off the built in realtime AV takes me from throughput on order of 200-300 messages per second to 5700 messages per second. So better, but still not great. The (imho) sad thing on windows is that disabling A/V has gotten progressively harder with each windows 10 release, especially for the average user. Realistically it's bad enough that developers might as well assume it will always be on for end users, and even fellow developers.
It's horrible. Simply running the Boost tests sends multiple samples to "the cloud", which is at least tolerable. But creating an installer package using Inno Setup automatically makes Windows Defender delete it on sight the instant it's downloaded. Apparently, some malware used Inno Setup to package itself, so now nobody can use it. Plus, every new release of Boost is flagged as malware, despite not having any executable files in it. Sorry for the unrelated rant. :-)