Sorry for keeping posting questions about ASIO TCP socket reconnection regarding to network interface changes, I am very much stuck at the moment. As I described in other emails, when one network interface WiFi failed, the network interface Ethernet takes over, the client application using boost ASIO TCP socket cannot detect the broken of WiFi, it continually sent messages to the remote server via the broken WiFi interface without triggering errors but obviously the server could not receive messages any more. So my solution is prior to send message, it ping to via the network interface WiFi, if it failed, it called the SetConnection again to close the socket binding to WiFi interface and to start reconnection to bind to Ethernet interface: void SetConnection(void) { if (this->mSocket.lowest_layer().is_open()) { std::cout << "Set connection close socket" << std::endl; this->mSocket.lowest_layer().close(); } boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(this->mIoService); boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query(this->mHost, this->mPort); this->mIterator = resolver.resolve(query); this->mContext.load_verify_file("ssl/ca.pem"); this->mSocket.set_verify_mode(boost::asio::ssl::verify_peer); this->mSocket.set_verify_callback(boost::bind(&client::verify_certificate, this, _1, _2)); boost::asio::async_connect(mSocket.lowest_layer(), this->mIterator, boost::bind(&client::handle_connect, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); } But it did not work, the error: handle_connect connect failed: Network is unreachable What I am missing here? How can I make the TCP socket reconnection? Thank you. Kind regards, - jupiter