On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:38 AM Rainer Deyke via Boost
On 06.04.19 21:24, Emil Dotchevski via Boost wrote:
I get what you're saying, that if an assignment fails, logically you
to treat the resulting state something like an uninitialized state. The problem is that your program can no longer assume that all objects it works with are valid -- that is, RAII is out the window -- except if the special state is (by definition) a valid state. But this contradicts your wish, because a valid state is nothing like an uninitialized state. It has to be on your mind all the time, because now objects in this state are valid (by definition) and you must define behavior for functions that are handed such objects.
You keep using the term "valid" as if its a clear-cut binary distinction.
Do you see that this is a matter of definition? I use the common definition: "valid" is equivalent to "the type invariants are in place". It seems that by your definition, for an object to be valid, it is not sufficient that the type invariants are in place. Under the common definition, if two states A and B fit the invariant constraints of the type, it is illogical to rank the validity of A and B. Both are perfectly good states, by definition. Stronger: to argue that either A or B is an invalid state is equivalent to arguing that the basic guarantee may leave the program in an invalid state. This is nonsense, the whole point of the basic guarantee is to guarantee that the state is valid.
However, I can think of at least four different degrees of validity:
1: Garbage. A variable (of a class type) was not properly constructed and contains complete garbage. It is undefined behavior to perform any operation on the object, including assignment and destruction.
2: Uninitialized. A variable (of a built-in type) is uninitialized. It is undefined behavior to read the value of this variable, but the variable is "valid" in the sense that you can assign a new value to it and that you can destruct it.
3: Indeterminate. A variable (of a class type) has an indeterminate, semantically meaningless state (after throwing an exception from a member function with the basic exception guarantee, or after being pulled from an object pool). It is technically allowed by not semantically meaningful to read the value of this variable, but the variable is "valid" in the sense that you can assign a new value to it and that you can destruct it.
4: Correct. A variable (of any type) is valid and contains a semantically meaningful and correct value.
You seem to categorize degrees 3 and 4 as "valid" and degrees 1 and 2 as "invalid".
I'm using existing, well established definitions. C++ is not defined in terms of the above degrees of validity, and it does not make a distinction between 3 and 4. If 3 and 4 are the same thing and a new "empty" state is introduced, by definition it must be a valid state, which (I argue) weakens the type invariants and therefore complicates all operations, for no good reason (because a valid state is a valid state).