2018-03-21 0:23 GMT-03:00 Michael Kiros
- The author must have decided to take down the repo very recently. Here's a mirror that I have: https://github.com/ michaelkiros/hadesmem/tree/master/include/memory/hadesmem/local https://github.com/michaelkiros/hadesmem/tree/master/include/memory/hadesmem...
I wouldn't call this mirror. I suppose there was at least a README file in the original repo.
- I've added two use cases inside of the proposal and updated the PDF file
What is the expected steps to use this library to inspect proprietary applications? The interface only hints me on how to use it to inspect proprietary DLLs.
- I haven't thought of a detailed timeline yet but as a draft it would go something like this:
1. Work on setting up the project (includes setting up dependencies for disassembly, run time assembly etc.) 2. Start working on an abstract class that describes the most basic detour type 3. Start working on the very first detour implementation using byte patch
What exactly is a detour type? -- VinÃcius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/