Robert Ramey wrote:
I'm quite confident that the problem will be solved in the near future just by doing the work to fix it. It's not rocket science, it just requires investment of time and effort by someone who understands the library and C++
The problem has already been fixed, by Alexander Grund. The fix, in its latest incarnation, is in #131. To recap, - the Serialization library crashes on exit in certain scenarios, as demonstrated by the tests in #111 and #128. - this is caused by the fact that singleton<X>::is_destroyed() always returns false, as demonstrated by the test in #129. (At extended_type_info_typeid.cpp:99, the code tests singleton<tkmap>::is_destroyed(), and if false, proceeds to use singleton<tkmap>::get_mutable_instance(). But since is_destroyed always returns false, the check doesn't work and doesn't prevent the library from accessing the destroyed tkmap in the scenario in question.) - a fix for is_destroyed() is proposed in #131. It makes the tests from #111/#128/#129 pass.