[Niall Douglas]
Agreed, VS2013 Preview's new C++11 features are looking solid.
Apart from http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/794707/sfinae-fai lure-during-variadic-template-overload-resolution which is a showstopper for us that is.
That's actually a library issue, not a compiler issue. You're expecting C++14's SFINAE-friendly result_of, but you're getting C++11's SFINAE-hostile result_of. (That's in addition to the fact that our result_of/<functional> implementation has numerous bugs with respect to C++11.) Unfortunately, I won't be able to fix this in 2013 RTM. result_of needs to be thoroughly overhauled, but I'm not allowed to make such a major change at this point. I should be able to do this for the next major version, though. As an aside, why is Boost using std::result_of anyways? You've got Eric Niebler and his SFINAE-friendly boost::result_of, you know. :-> STL