I'd like to draw attention to a problem with Boost binaries for Linux. There's an awesome -fvisibility=hidden flag for Linux compilers that improves load times, performance, size of binaries and reduces the chance of symbol collisions. More info at https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility . Unfortunately, most of the Boost libraries do not set it by default: - atomic - chrono - container - context - contract - coroutine - date_time - exception - fiber - filesystem - graph - graph_parallel - iostreams - locale - mpi - program_options - python - random - regex - signals - system - test - thread - timer - type_erasure - wave Moreover minority of the above libraries just do not work with the flag. Users just can not run ./b2 cxxflags="-fvisibility=hidden" because there's a chance that some library could stop linking. Actually things are even more ugly. Linux distributions usually do not tune the build flags for each package so at least Debian based distributions build Boost with default flags. Users get suboptimal builds. If you're a maintainer of one of the above libraries *please do* the following steps: * Make sure that all the public symbols are accordingly marked with appropriate BOOST_SYMBOL_* macro. Instruction is available here: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_68_0/libs/config/doc/html/boost_config/boos... * Turn on the visibility=hidden by default: * by adding <target-os>linux:<cxxflags>"-fvisibility=hidden" to the Jamfile if you do not care much for antique compilers (Example https://github.com/boostorg/stacktrace/blob/819f2b1c861dec7530372a990ecabab7... ) * by using a more advanced technique for detecting the flag availability (For example see https://github.com/boostorg/math/blob/develop/build/Jamfile.v2#L20 or https://github.com/boostorg/log/blob/develop/build/Jamfile.v2#L24 ) P.S.: I would appreciate any comments or updates on the feature request. P.P.S.: Log, Math, Serialization (and Stacktrace) libraries already use that flag by default. Many thanks! -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin