Artyom Beilis wrote:
The nowide library was reviewed and accepted into Boost almost 3 years ago.
I implemented most of fixes required under Review Fixed branch
Unfortunately I don't have any capacity to do maintenance for it on all various platforms: MSVC, mingw. cygwin etc mostly because virtually I don't develop on Windows and any time I need to go there I need to figure it out from the beginning (installations, environment, msvc) and I don't even have windows machine in my hands (all done in VM)
I realized that I'm not windows developer any more and it would be impossible for me to complete the mission of maintaining the code mostly due to personal reasons and lack of development resources.
I deeply regret wasting the time and effort of so many boost developers who invested to review. I understand that it is highly desired library but I just can get the job done
I seek for your advice. Do I need to seek for an another maintainer or withdraw the library entirely?
Hi Artyom, I think that it would be a net win for the community if we release the library, so as a first step, you can transfer the repository to me (pdimov), I'll move it to boostorg, and we'll take it from there. The 'reviewfixes' branch isn't merged yet, I gather?