On 26 March 2013 00:46, Christian Henning
Looking the gil.io, it still a forwarding html file from 'libs/gil/io/index.html'.
There is a index.html in libs\gil\io\doc\html. Is that ok?
No, there's a conventional location for library index files so that they're easy to link to. Once released you should be able to find the library by going to 'http://www.boost.org/libs/gil/io'. I'll add it for you later.
Also, from the inspection report:
libs/gil/io/doc/html/gil/io/running_gil__io_tests.html: (line 31) Broken link: ../../chhenning
This is some sort of funny case created by the documentation system. In my qbk file I declare a link:
[def _EMAIL_ [@chhenning ** @ ** gmail.com]]
which then is translated into:
<a href="../../chhenning" target="_top">**@ ** gmail.com</a>
Is there some prefix for email address?
If you want to link to your email address, use: [@mailto:someone@example.com] If you want to obfuscate it, you probably shouldn't make it a link, or people might realise when they click on it.
Other than that, the test results aren't running so I haven't been able to look at them. Has this been added to the teste results.
What do you mean?
So that they show up in the results linked from: http://www.boost.org/development/testing.html You can do this by adding your library to 'status/Jamfile.v2'