On 4/8/19 12:29 AM, Gavin Lambert via Boost wrote:
On 8/04/2019 18:29, Robert Ramey wrote:
LOL - Looks good to me! So now we have std::variant that is guaranteed to have a valid state with no double buffer BS and no extra overhead.
It's restricted to only trivial types, however, which sharply limits its usability. (Mostly just to primitives and PODs, though that's an oversimplification.)
Or did you mean to check is_nothrow_constructible rather than is_trivially_constructible?
I looked at both nothrow and trivial and couldn't figure out the difference between them with spending more time than I wanted to at the time. After, I was just throwing out an idea for discussion. Note that this approach is not really a rival to making a new variant. It's to explicit limited the usage a variant to those situations where there are none of the problems and tradeoffs that implementations of variants have to address. Basicall, I'm giving up on trying to understand all this stuff. I just need something that "just works" in an efficient simple way or "just fails(tm)" if that's not possible. It it just fails, I'll fall back to the "fancy variant" (and spend a lot of time investigating the tradeoffs and error/exception handling requirements) or alter my types so the safe_variant just works.
(Also, for robustness you should check assignment as well as construction.)
Hmmm - interesting point. My goal was to make it impossible for safe_variant to end up in the the dreaded stateless state. I was gathering from the discussions that assignment to variant entailed construction of a new instance of one of the constituent types was key place where the stateless problem can occur. So you're absolutely right in that the checks have to be implemented for all operations which might be used. Robert Ramey
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