On 12/25/2017 11:52 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
On 12/24/17 6:35 PM, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
Is there a way to tell Appveyor or Travis CI to send notifications of its Build runs of Boost libraries to someone other than myself ?
Hmmm - I notice that when those who fork the serialization library then Post PRs, the CI testers get activated and I get an email message that they have run. I'm presuming that this notification is in addition to one that is sent to that person who committed the PR. Does that not address what you need?
I am not forking anything. I go to Appveyor, login with my Github account information, add a library from BoostOrg, and receive notifications when the build runs. How can I tell Appveyor to also notify other people when the build is run when the library is updated ? Or does each individual have to add the Boostorg library to their own Appveyor account to see what happens when the library is updated and the build is run ? I can see Appveyor and Travis CI working for me. That is no problem. But can others be notified even when the build runs in my account ?
Robert Ramey