On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 6:43 PM Ivan Matek wrote:
Internally as a member, not talking about template argument.
Note that boost::static_string (Boost.StaticString) does not always use size_t:
// Find the smallest width integral type that can hold a value as
large as N (Glen Fernandes)
using smallest_width =
typename std::conditional<(N <= (std::numeric_limits<unsigned
char>::max)()), unsigned char,
typename std::conditional<(N <= (std::numeric_limits<unsigned
short>::max)()), unsigned short,
typename std::conditional<(N <= (std::numeric_limits<unsigned
int>::max)()), unsigned int,
typename std::conditional<(N <= (std::numeric_limits<unsigned
long>::max)()), unsigned long,
typename std::conditional<(N <= (std::numeric_limits<unsigned
long long>::max)()), unsigned long long,
Maybe boost::beast::static_string can become an alias to boost::static_string.