Hi Shaunak, Shaunak Dixit Via Boost wrote:
I would like to work on boost.geometry. For given projects
*PROJECT 1. Filtering of compare distance predicates.* https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/SoC2017#PROJECT1.Filteringofcomparedis...
*PROJECT 3. Nearly antipodal points distance accuracy improvement.* https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/SoC2017#PROJECT3.Nearlyantipodalpoints...
Please help me out how to start and in finding mentors for the above projects.
In case you missed it, potential mentor for these projects is Vissarion Fisikopoulos. In an email titled "[boost] [gsoc17] Regarding projects 1 & 3 of Boost.Geometry" he wrote: <cite> I proposed to mentor projects 1 & 3 of Boost.Geometry. As in Boost GSoC webpage you may choose to either provide links to existing library you developed or take a competency test. For the latter the test is the same for both projects 1 & 3, you can find it inhttps://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/SoC2017#Programmingcompetencytest2 </cite> Adam