On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:32 AM, Ioannis Papadopoulos wrote: On 04/21/2013 04:00 PM, Rene Rivera wrote: Just a quick message to mention that I've finished all the review related
changes to the Predef library. And done some of the future tasks on the
library. In particular the addition of endianness definitions and the
moving of MinGW as a platform instead of a compiler (and hence the
of BOOST_PLAT category of macros. And the one question I have is.. When will the review results of the
library be decided on? I ask for two reasons. One, the obvious, is just to
know if it's accepted or not. And to know if it's not accepted and hence
that I should spend time to recreate a "boost/detail/endian.hpp" header
that implements the Predef logic for endian detection. Note the project move to Github earlier this year (in preparation for the
Boost git move). You can find the project at <
and browse the current
documentation at http://tinyurl.com/cqqhhev. Can I suggest some additions? 1) Cray compiler: The cray compiler defines _CRAYC to detect the compiler, _RELEASE for the
major release level, _RELEASE_MINOR for the minor release level and
_RELEASE_STRING the above as a string. From: http://docs.cray.com/cgi-bin/**craydoc.cgi?mode=View;id=S-**
title=Cray%20C%20and%20C%2b%**2b%20Reference%20Manualhttp://docs.cray.com/cgi-bin/craydoc.cgi?mode=View;id=S-2179-81;idx=books_se... OK.. Added an issues https://github.com/grafikrobot/boost-predef/issues/8.
2) Cray platforms and IBM Blue Gene: A good set of their macros is here (I have used those with success):
https://wiki.alcf.anl.gov/**parts/index.php/Preprocessor_**Macroshttps://wiki.alcf.anl.gov/parts/index.php/Preprocessor_Macros I can provide patches in 1-2 weeks if you prefer that. Patches are certainly welcome.. Especially since that way the code will be
tested ahead of time. I'll work on formalizing the PLAT defs <
https://github.com/grafikrobot/boost-predef/issues/5> to make it easier for
those patches though. I added issues for those platforms also <
https://github.com/grafikrobot/boost-predef/issues/7>, <
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