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From: Michael Kiros
2018-03-22 1:16 GMT-03:00 Michael Kiros
: That repo represents the last, latest state of the repository [...]
[...] Like you said, it's easier to work with DLLs because their functions
are exported so you'd just located the address of the function using the export symbol table and the Windows API functions/POSIX equivalent.
I was more concerned with the separation of library/application when I made the question.
Suppose I want to change Tibia to cheat the game. There is a main function there on the executable (it's not _your main_). What's the proper interception place then? What's the workflow? Open the executable using your executable and transfer control flow once you prepare the hooks?
The 'hook types' that would be required would be specializations of a
single type and each type would represent a different approach to hooking a function.
-- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/