On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 7:22 AM, Gonzalo BG via Boost wrote:
FWIW I needed a small_flat_set (that I later switched to a static_set), so I went on to define a type alias for boost::flat_set just to discover that the container type is not customizable...
So I just quickly reimplemented flat_set as a container adaptor, and now I have type aliases for small_flat_set and static_set for free.
I've extracted my impl and put it in a gist on github, in case somebody runs into the same issue and wants a workaround, it depends on some internal assert macros and range-v3 for concept-checking, but it shouldn't be hard to workaround those and adapt it to your needs:
It's "good enough for me" but is not perfect (e.g. no methods with a position hint, one can certainly optimize the range inserts further, its not stable, and it does not model AssociativeContainer because it doesn't provide a value_type).
Shouldn't leveraging the EBO for Compare should probably only happen conditionally: i.e. when !std::is_final_v<Compare> is true? On the other hand, maybe your small_flat_set could also be achieved with boost::container::flat_set with a custom allocator (instead of the default allocator). Glen