When performing a reverse lookup of an address: *r->async_resolve( boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::endpoint_type( adr, 80 ) ...* the address itself is returned (as string), when the name of the host cannot be found. I would expect an error/exception, telling me this instead. Consider the following (custom class which does both): *Resolver::resolve< ResolverClass >( &rc, "www.yahoo.com", 1 ); Resolver::resolve< ResolverClass >( &rc, "", 2 ); Resolver::resolve< ResolverClass >( &rc, "none.exist.end", 3 ); Resolver::resolve< ResolverClass >( &rc, "", 4 ); Resolver::resolve< ResolverClass >( &rc, "", 5 ); Resolver::resolve< ResolverClass >( &rc, "", 6 );* And the result: *1: hostname: www.yahoo.com, address:, error: 1: hostname: www.yahoo.com, address:, error: 2: hostname: google-public-dns-a.google.com, address:, error: 3: hostname: , address:, error: Host not found (authoritative) 4: hostname: a2-18-77-109.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com, address:, error: 5: hostname: stackoverflow.com, address:, error: 6: hostname:, address:, error:* 2 is looking up of "", which of course can be found and returns the google.com entry. Likewise, 4 and 5 can be found and return the correct result. *Nr. 6, however, is a non-existent ip-address. As you can see, instead of an error, the address itself is returned when calling "endpoint_iterator->host_name();".* This is unexpected and (I think) undocumented. It can be easily detected by testing if host_name returns an address, but this would require another (test) conversion; as a result you'd end up with forth&back conversions. Wouldn't it be better, if the reverse lookup returned an error/exception, if the name of the host cannot be found? This would be more consistent with the "Host not found (authoritative)" error in example 3. -- Sent from: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Boost-Dev-f2600599.html