2017-06-01 11:12 GMT+02:00 Mathias Gaunard via Boost
I just took a quick look at outcome today and I don't really understand what it is doing.
I expected to have some kind of mechanism to manage control flow with propagation between states only happening if the previous expression in the chain resulted in an expected value, like with the Expected monad. I searched throughout the documentation and didn't find any.
Why is there no example of this? More than how the error state is captured and stored or how to capture custom errors, I believe the programming model is what the tutorial should really focus on.
It has been agreed upon that the tutorial needs to undergo a rewrite. Meanwhile, maybe the following examples can help: https://github.com/akrzemi1/__sandbox__/blob/master/outcome_intro2.md https://github.com/akrzemi1/__sandbox__/blob/master/outcome_practical_exampl... Regards, &rzej;