On 3/2/16 07:47, Rene Rivera wrote:
As part of my attempt to make the Boost release management less painful, for everyone, I've implemented building of the release archives in Travis-CI. As of yesterday archives of the "boost" super-project master branch are getting uploaded to the bintray.com service at < https://bintray.com/boostorg/snapshots/master/view>. There are still some kinks in how this works but it's automated enough at this point that it might serve the upcoming release needs.
I would appreciate it if people download the archives available at the above link and test them out. In particular I'm looking to see if there's anything missing or generally incorrect. For reference the archives are named with the commit SHA that they correspond to.
Thank you.
Thank you for doing this Rene! This is great.
The SHAs matched for what I checked. The package looks good at a glance.
There are some build errors (stage build on osx with clang):
- context has link errors
- python can find